Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First day back...

a day late post but =] ... a fairly good day i'd say, got to see friends i haven't seen in awhile :) but i only had 3 hours sleep . . . tried to sleep at 12 but ended up sleeping at 5 :( but i wasnt really tired during the day, quite excited actually to see friends again :). it felt so much power to wear the BLUE jumpers ;)) we just own the middle school hehehe. ANDY bought me a cross necklace from hong kong. tyvm :D its just too bad im not in any classes as rapta! but i got at least ONE friend in all my classes, phew thank god! it was awesome catching up with the boys. BTW my english teacher is mean and scary FAROUT. i arrive late to class and i explain why i was late and all, she says sit down and i move the chair then she said something like "SIT DOWN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO MOVE YOUR CHAIR SINCE YOU WERE LATE," well FUCK YOU LOL! :) i didnt say that tho but i wanted to! its gonna be awesome to have half days on wednesdays :)))) butt 7th periods on tuesdays and thurs (N). BUT today i didnt have 7th todayyy cuz my teacher was on yr12 residential camp, so AWESOME, just went to marvins house to chill for abit. then went bak to school and got a lift home from the HOU ty brother.

it looks like i've got to put a fair amount of effort this year to achieve the best i can (Y).
i hope theres not too much homework!

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